Playing the Other

Tone a Blind Eye

Poster of a forest in flames with the following text: HWS Theatre presents a reimagining of the fairy tale of Hansel and Gretel. Tone a Blind Eye. Free. Video streaming on demand. Opening April 26, 2021.

Poster for HWS Theatre’s Production of Tone a Blind Eye. Imagery of a burning forest.

HWS Theatre presents Tone a Blind Eye

Once upon a time - or really, many times - great famine comes to the land and the people turn against each other for survival. Abandoned and alone, they ponder what it means to be a monster and what happens when societies leave people behind. HWS Theatre reimagines the classic tale as told from the perspectives of five different characters all trying to figure out how to break a cycle of unnecessary suffering.

Use the following links to watch the performances and learn more about the production:

The Stories (watch in any order)

The Company

Director’s Notes