Playing the Other

Atalanta's Gran


Atalanta's Gran

This is an audio retelling of Ingrid Keenan’s short story “Atalanta’s Gran.” Keenan wrote this story for me as part of my 50th birthday celebration and I was so taken with it that I wanted to record an audio version. After all, I have a serious infatuation with adapting Greek mythology, especially when that process empowers marginalized characters…and even better when they love to run. It took me a while to get around to this recording because I was intimidated by the beauty and evocation of Keenan’s words and I needed to learn some new skills. I’m so glad I finally felt up to the task.

Thanks to Anna Claire Walker for voicing Atalanta and Shona and to Kelly Walker for his original music and mastering of the project. I’m the narrator and sound editor and designer of this recording..